The Long Night of Science is a classic among the annual events. On no other evening can you get to know so many different faculties of the university at the same time - the focus here is on participation!
The Open Humboldt Freiräume funding line supports scientists in finding time for dialogue with society.
Ob auf den Spuren der Sonne, beim Packen von Kofferwörtern, Erkunden von Kreislaufwirtschaft oder dem Enträtseln historischer Früchte: Die Humboldt-Kinder-Uni lädt Berliner SchülerInnen ein, Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu entdecken.
Ein erfolgreicher Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft hat viele Gesichter. Im Interview erklären Mitglieder des Open Humboldt Expert:innenkreises, worauf es dabei ankommt und warum alle Seiten profitieren.
The Tieranatomisches Theater (Veterinary Anatomy Theater) is an exhibition space and stage for experimental forms of presentation and a lab for curatorial practice.
Alexander von Humboldt reached a broad audience with his KOSMOS lectures, spanning all scientific disciplines. We are continuing this tradition with the current KOSMOS lectures at the Humboldt Universität.
Experience current research from the natural and life sciences in the impressive ambience of the dinosaur hall of the Museum of Natural History and then visit the exhibitions - Science in the Dinosaur Hall makes it possible.
Rare wild plants in urban spaces or in the garden at home - "Urbanity and Diversity" offers all interested parties the possibility to get involved here! As a plant sponsor you will be involved in plant care and seed production.
The Mosse Lectures are an interdisciplinary and international research and event project, which engage with different focus area from history, politics, economics, art and literature each semester.
The School Laboratory – a place of experiments and discovery for pupils; a training place for students and a competence centre for teachers.
The School Portal is the Humboldt-Universität platform, on which offers for teachers and pupils are displayed and made accessible.
The W.E.B. Du Bois Lecture Series offers valuable new contributions to intercultural dialogue by inviting scholars and intellectuals to give public lectures that address aspects and problems of public culture and modes of cultural critique today.
In the Humboldt Speeches on Europe, high-ranking representatives and state leaders of the European member states give their assessments of the current situation in Europe and talk about the future of the European project.
The Refugee Law Clinic Berlin e.V. (RLC Berlin) is a student association at the Humboldt University, which offers free and independent legal advice for refugees and migrants in Berlin and legal information on the Greek island of Samos.
The Berlin Science Week is a series of events with international appeal. Humboldt- Universität participates and presents its research when representatives from science and society meet.
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