KOSMOS Lectures
Planet Earth on Stage: Insights into current Transformation and Sustainability Research
In his famous public KOSMOS lectures at this university and in the Singakademie, today's Maxim Gorki Theater, Alexander von Humboldt spanned the entire world and all disciplines of science in 1827/28. He viewed the world from a global perspective, in which natural and cultural conditions are interlinked and interdependent.
To mark the 250th birthday of the exceptional scientist, the KOSMOS lectures were resumed in 2019 and have been held regularly ever since. While Humboldt aimed for a comprehensive “physical description of the world”, today the focus is on the interactions between the physical world and human behavior.
KOSMOS lectures at a glance
The KOSMOS lectures are organized by the Integrative Research Institute IRI THEsys at the Humboldt Universität. IRI THEsys is dedicated to the research field of transformations of human-environment systems. Synergies are to be exploited through increased cooperation with non-university partners in the field of climate research.
An overview of the KOSMOS lectures held since 2029 can be found here.
Watch recordings of the KOSMOS lectures in our playlist on YouTube.
For questions and suggestions regarding the KOSMOS readings, please contact us!
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Renowned scientists from various disciplines shed light on the interaction between humans and nature in the KOSMOS lectures. The picture gallery shows a selection of speakers since 2019.
On April 6, 2019, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier opened the Humboldt University's Cosmos Readings at the Gorki Theatre to mark the 250th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt's birth. (c) Matthias Heyde
Environmental physicist Prof. Paulo Artaxo gave the opening lecture of the Kosmos series in 2019. (c) Matthias Heyde
Prof. Dr. Çiğdem İşsever gave a cosmos reading on “Large Hadron Collider - Journey into the Unknown” as part of the Open Humboldt FestivalMartin Iboldt
Prof. Dr. Marie-Theres Federhofer gave a Kosmos reading on “Alpine regions by the sea. Leopold von Buch's journey to the far north (1806 - 1808)”Martin Ibold
Prof. Dr. Michael Zeuske spoke about “Slavery as capitalism and the global history of work”Ina Friebe
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