Open Humboldt Freiräume

The new funding line Open Humboldt Freiräume fosters knowledge exchange between research and society. The focus is on the idea that researchers need enough time to engage in dialogue with society and to develop projects in the field of knowledge exchange, transfer and science communication.

The funded scientists will be granted a leave of absence for one semester with continued salary. Teaching responsibilities and other institutional duties are suspended during this time. The Berlin University Alliance provides the institute at which the scientists are employed with personnel funds to finance the replacement position.

See more information on the application website.

Open Humboldt invites you: Join us in our Freiräume projects.


Xenia Muth
Referentin Wissensaustausch mit der Gesellschaft

Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Tel: +49 (0) 30 2093 12892


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