Long Night of the Sciences
Back to the Beginning. The Long Night of the Sciences 2022 at the HU
Crises. Knowledge. Resolution.
The world is shaken by crises. A pandemic, war, the breakdown of democracy and climate change that is becoming increasingly noticeable in its effects – crises of democracy and crises of nature impact one another.
Solutions Now
Science helps us to better understand causes and relationships and offers bases for decision-making founded on frequently examined facts. During the Long Night of the Sciences on 2nd July 2022, the Humboldt-Universität will show how various disciplines are confronting current problems and what contributions they offer in terms of solutions.
The Long Night of the Sciences continues the themes of this year’s Open Humboldt Festival and, at the same time, represents its highlight and finale.
Bringing Change to Society – Startups at the HU
Universities are drivers of change and are continually bringing innovations to society. Startups play a special role here: university spin-offs harness the results of research on behalf of society. The HU plays a leading role in this throughout Germany with the support it provides for those setting up an enterprise. During the Long Night of the Sciences, “Made in HU” startups will present their solutions for sustainability, artificial intelligence, education and smart cities.
Nature in Therapy
Climate change, species extinction and environmental pollution – our relationship with nature needs therapy. During the Long Night of the Sciences, the environment is invited to engage in talking therapy. Psychologists explain why we find it so difficult to take action to protect the climate. An exhibition shows how artificial quarry lakes can develop as sites of biodiversity.
Migration, Disinformation, Fake News and Cultures of Rejection
During the pandemic, our society exhibited not only medical symptoms. The global epidemic deeply impinged upon our conception of ourselves and tugged at the fabric of social cohesion – throughout all of Europe. Films and panel discussions illustrate how cultures of rejection came to emerge in different countries. A quiz trail reveals the impact that disinformation campaigns and fake news have within the public health sector.
A Glimpse into the Past – How We Want to Live Together
The past is not over. How we recollect things has a major impact on our present. At the Humboldt-Universität, several initiatives test out how a different approach to the past can open up paths into the future. An exhibition reveals the university’s colonial past, and a glimpse into the period of the plague shows how a deadly pandemic disease, conspiracy theories and pogroms against minorities go hand in hand.
Find out about the current plans for Long Night of the Sciences online
Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Long Night of Sciences at Humboldt-Universität?
Please contact us!
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Referat C, Veranstaltungsmanagement,
Zentrale Veranstaltungen
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Visitors* and researchers in conversationMatthias Heyde
Virtual Reality can also be tried outMatthias Heyde
An actor embodies Wilhelm von HumboldtMatthias Heyde
Illustrative materials at the Long Night of SciencesMatthias Heyde
Reading at the Long Night of SciencesMatthias Heyde
Touching allowed - the Long Night of Sciences at the HUMatthias Heyde
At the Long Night of the Sciences, trying things out is encouraged!Matthias Heyde
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