Kosmos Lecture: Water Crisis within the Climate Crisis – What Now?
Water scarcity, droughts and floods, aquatic pollution and water conflicts – the water crisis on the “blue planet” has intensified. The reason is often a complex interaction of climate change, excessive water demands and incorrect management. The hydrologist Dieter Gerten points out causes and possible solutions and makes a plea for a new water ethics.
With: Prof. Dr Dieter Gerten, Working Group Leader and Earth Modelling Coordinator at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Professor for Global Change Climatology and Hydrology at the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Chaired by: Dr Theresa Frommen, Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems, Geo.X Young Academy Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The event is held in German.
Anmeldung zur Kosmos-Lesung "Wasserkrise in der Klimakrise" am 29.06.2022, 19 Uhr
Abteilung für Kommunikation, Marketing und Veranstaltungsmanagement
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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